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evaluation question 2

How does your media project represent particular social groups?

Mad Max Fury Road (2015)

The Investigation (2016)

Mad Max we noticed had a predominantly white cast in comparison to our thriller 'The Investigation'

As a group we decided to have quite a diverse cast representing different social groups (specifically ethnicity and gender) for an amalgamation of reasons.


Firstly, we thought that having a more ethnically diverse cast would mean that our audience can identify with the characters more. Secondly a a group we realized that many races are not represented in film nearly as much as those who are white. this prompted us to make an effort. to make an ethnically diverse cast. In addition, it was also really convenient that our school is located in London (as it is a place known for being multicultural) meant it was significantly more easy for us to assemble a diverse cast.  

As well as having a more ethnically diverse cast we also  wanted to to have a female lead as well. We did this as we wanted to represent women in a way that does not reinforce the typical stereotypes of women in the thriller genre. These tend to be the 'maternal figure/ homemaker' or the 'sex symbol', both of which are almost always supporting cast. In addition we also had a (black) male lead which we thought both promoted equality, putting both a male and a female of the same importance in the plot. 

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