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Sound is essential in creating the right atmosphere for different scenes in movies. Particularly in thrillers sound is highly effective in creating a chilling and unsettling atmosphere.

In film there are two different types if sound diegetic sound and non diegetic sound.

Diegetic sound, also known as 'actual sound' is when the source of the sound is coming from something that is on set/ in the scene. Examples of diegetic sound are the dialog that is said by actors or an instrument that is being played in the scene.

Non-Diagetic sound is when the sound in a film is when the source of the sound is not on scene or is implied to have come from an action that has taken place in the film. Examples of this is mood music, narration, or sound effects that has been added during editing.

this is an image from the film The Shinning (1980), an iconic thriller/horror that effectively uses non-diagetic sound to create fear and and emence tension. the use of high (quite shrill) notes makes the audience feel, uneasy and scared for the character ('Wendy Torrance' played by Shelley Duvall).

This is an iconic clip where a unhinged Jack Nicholson attempting murder his fearful wife 'Wendy' in the film.

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